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时间:2018-07-16 13:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
贺月莲 1. 引言 目前英语教学中仍然存在重阅读轻写作以及读写分离的问题。虽然教师对于读写结合的教学方式已经有所了解,但如何充分有效地利用阅读文本的输入助力语言输出,对于很多教师而言课堂实践的难度依然很大。其中,怎样有效地进行读与写的词汇教学成



1. 引言




2. 阅读写作相结合



现以《牛津高中英语》模块九第一单元的阅读课文Canada—land of maple trees 为例来具体阐述怎样做到阅读与写作的完美结合。在这篇文章里,有一些重要的词汇及词组,如: be famous for, be abundant in, be delighted by, rank, beautiful scenery, in addition, be home to, consist of etc., 也包括很多漂亮的句型。如:

(1) Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.

(2) Beautiful scenery is just one of the treasures Canada has to offer.

(3) With all of these attractions, you can see why the UN named Canada one of the best countries in the world to live in 等等。在同学们熟练掌握了以上词汇句型之后,让他们去仿写。例如:株洲国际旅游节已经拉开帷幕,假设你是一位英语导游,请以“Welcome to  Zhu Zhou”为题写一篇英语导游词,仿写时可用到以下技巧。


(1) Zhu Zhou is located in the east of Hunan, which has a population of approximately 3.7 million.

(2) Suzhous environment is so charming that it is worth paying a visit to.


再以《牛津高中英语》模块九第一单元的Project “Is Australia really a sporting nation?”为例。

① Sitting in front of the television watching a sporting event, with a drink in one hand and some fast food in the other, is very common.

② With most of its people living near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families. 仿写如下:

(1) The Xiangjiang River Scenic Belt attracts many visitors, with countless beautiful flowers and green trees growing alongside.

(2) In the evening, with all the lights shining brightly on the streets and those tall buildings, the city looks modern and attractive.


① In this country, you will see people play cricket in white clothes.

② Throughout Australia, you will see players dressed all in white, hitting and running after the ball.


(1) Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks like a big garden.

(2) At dusk you can find lots of people going out of their house, dancing to the music or doing some exercise.


① Since most tennis courts are equipped with lights, many people often play after dusk in the evening and late into the light.

② Sydney is a city with 37 beaches, most of which can be reached within 30 minutes by public transport from the city centre.


(1) Zhuzhou clothing market attracts a lot of people who want to buy many beautiful and cheap clothes.

(2) Zhuzhou is a charming city where you can enjoy a large variety of spicy food.

Writing sample 1:

Ladies and gentlemen!Its my great honor to introduce Zhuzhou to you.

Zhuzhou, the population of which is approximately 3.7 million, is located in the east of Hunan, on the south of Changsha and near Xiangjiang River. As is known all over the country, there are many tourist attractions here, such as Fanta Happy world, Taoyuandong Forest Park and Xiangjiang River Scenic Belt, where you can have fun. In addition, you cant miss the Source of China, which consists of the spicy and various foods. Another amazing place to be mentioned here is Zhuzhou clothing market, where you can buy beautiful clothes at a low price. Not only can you get what you want, but you can enjoy yourself.

All in all, if you come to Zhuzhou, you wont be regretful!欧阳熙 (G1105)

3. 娱乐与写作相结合


通常情况下,学生在写作前如果没有充分的与写作相关的语言输入,在写作中往往会出现“词汇匮乏、结构松散、表达不地道或无话可说等问题”(刘美琳、王海玲,2014)。在刚刚结束的学校运动会上,我们班获得了团体总分第一名的好成绩,以班长张铭杰为代表的好几个男生获得单项冠军,团体项目比如30米迎面接力,高一男子4×100米等都获得了亚军,运动会期间全班同学欢天喜地,斗志昂扬。晚自习我设置了个问题 What is happiness to you all?先小组讨论预写,第二天上课分组展示:

(1) Happiness is our class winning the first prize in this sports meeting...

(2) Happiness means being cheered by others for our hard work.

(3) Happiness means sitting in the sun and enjoying some music.

(4) Happiness means drinking when thirsty, eating when hungry, and sleeping when tired.

(5) Happiness is staying with my family and my friends.

接下来课代表总结说:As for happiness, different people have different voices.  Happiness  means different things  to different people.我接著又提出个问题:Boys and girls, how to stay happy? 同学们一个个争着上黑板写:

Set goals; Smile more; Learn to share; Be ready to help others; Have a good sense of humor; Be willing to forgive; Enjoy the family; Doing sports for half an hour every day; and so on.接下来我布置了一篇作文“My happiness”.并提供一些句式To some, happiness is ....To others, happiness means....while to me, happiness lies in...

When it comes to happiness, I have some ways to stay happy. Firstly, Secondly, the last but not least,      All in all,  二十分钟后一位同学把范文写作黑板上:

What is happiness? When it comes to this question, different people hold different views. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends; to others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. To me, happiness means having a true friend of my own.

It was one year ago that I came to this school—No 2 Middle School of Zhuzhou, which is famous all over the province. Here, I met lots of classmates, most of whom are kind to me. With the help of these friends, I felt very happy. So hard did I work that Ive made great progress, which made my parents happy.

With these people, my life is becoming so full that I feel happy every day. It is happy for me to live a life with my dear classmates.

Here, what I want to say is that without a friend the world is a wilderness. My happiness is having a friend of my own.


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